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We believe Azerbaijan’s socio-economic development is closely linked with entrepreneurship and its future development!
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Female entrepreneurs received support in implementation of business ideas 11.08.20
Female entrepreneurs received support in implementation of business ideas

Financial support (grants) were provided to women entrepreneurs who benefited from the training and consulting services of the Khachmaz SMB Development Center of the Small and Medium Business Development Agency. Their business plans were considered successful during the evaluation to start their own businesses.

The Azerbaijan Microfinance Association (AMFA) within EU-funded project "Accelerating the development of sustainable micro-entrepreneurship in the regions of Azerbaijan" has provided sub-grants to help women in the Guba-Khachmaz economic region to establish their business of handicrafts, beauty salons and vocational training of handicraft.

The Khachmaz SMB Development Center provided training and consulting services to women entrepreneurs, and liaised them with relevant agencies for the development and financing of business plans. The Center will continue to provide training and consulting services to these women entrepreneurs to develop their businesses and ensure their sustainability.

Note: Khachmaz SMB Development Center, which started operating in February 2020, organizes business-oriented trainings and seminars for micro, small and medium entrepreneurs and those who want to start a business in Guba-Khachmaz economic region, including startups, family businesses, people with disabilities, youth and women, consulting services, provides free support and services in areas such as awareness raising, participation in internship programs.

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