“The Strategic road map on consumer goods production at small and medium business level in the Republic of Azerbaijan” approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated December 6, 2016, envisages ensuring lifelong learning opportunities for SMBs.
December 4, 2018, the Minister of Economy resolved to establish the commission to coordinate activities of the government agencies and private entities that provide services for ensuring lifelong learning opportunities aimed at enhancing SMBs knowledge and skills.
The commission members include representatives of training and education centers of the Ministries of Economy, Labor and Social Protection, Youth and Sport, Education, Finance, Agriculture, Transport, Communications and High technologies, Taxes, National Confederation of Entrepreneurs (Employers) Organizations of Azerbaijan and private companies.
The commission acts in such areas as coordination of government support for exploration of lifelong learning opportunities for SMBs, preparation of suggestions for identification of SMBs needs in training and education to enhance their competitiveness, training programs development for SMBs and related communication with the relevant government and private training providers, provision and evaluation of specialized practical training on perspective and priority economic sectors as well as target groups and implementation of relevant improvement actions.
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