Discussion on the development of the advertising sector
Public discussion on "green energy" and clean environment organized
Public discussion on the development of the tourism sector held
Public discussion held on the role of the credit guarantee mechanism in business development
Public discussion on "Customs reforms: challenges and opportunities" organized
Inaugural meeting of Public Council under KOBİA with its new membership took place
Elections to the Public Council under KOBİA held
A public discussion on opportunities and challenges in the field of agribusiness was organized
A public discussion on medical business was organized
The next public discussion was organized by KOBİA
Prospects for digital entrepreneurship were discussed
Business opportunities in the creative industry were discussed
A public discussion on the construction business was organized
Baku to hold the II Forum of Young Entrepreneurs
A meeting of the Public Council under the SMBDA was held
The current situation in the Azerbaijani advertising market discussed
Azerbaijan hosted Social Entrepreneurship Forum
The development of women's entrepreneurship has been discussed
A regular meeting of the Public Council under the SMBDA was held
The jewelry industry development has been discussed
The Azerbaijani-Turkish Business Forum was held, arranged by the Public Council under the SMBDA
Role of public councils in development of SMBs discussed
Public Council created under Agency for Development of SMEs in Azerbaijan
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