On April 20, an online event was held on the topic "Azerbaijan-Turkey Business Forum: Current Situation and Prospects", arranged by the Public Council under the Small and Medium Business Development Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan (SMBDA) in partnership with the representative office of the Turkish Association of Independent Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (MUSIAD) in Azerbaijan.
The forum was attended by representatives of the State Customs Committee, the Azerbaijan Export and Investment Promotion Foundation (AZPROMO), the Azerbaijan Investment Company, the Agrarian Credit and Development Agency (ACDA), the National Confederation of Entrepreneurs (Employers) of Azerbaijan, the Small and Medium Industry Development Organization of the Republic of Turkey (KOSGEB), Turkish Trade Counsellor in our country, representatives of MUSIAD, ATIB, and TUIB, as well as businessmen and business associations from both countries.
The Chairman of the Public Council under the SMBDA Farhad Garashov stressed that the forum was arranged to expand the activity of Turkish businessmen in Azerbaijan, discuss relevant issues concerning their activity, and further develop relations between entrepreneurs of both countries. The Forum was the first international event held with the participation of foreign partners within the framework of the Public Council under the SMBDA.
At the online forum arranged with the SMBDA support, the Chairman of the Agency Board Orkhan Mammadov emphasized the expansion of opportunities for partnership in the field of small and medium business between the two countries within the framework of the growing Azerbaijani-Turkish economic relations. He noted that there are great opportunities for further expansion of the activity of Turkish businessmen in Azerbaijan, and the Agency is ready to support Turkish entrepreneurs operating or wishing to build a business in Azerbaijan. Orkhan Mammadov noted that liberating Azerbaijani lands from the Armenian occupation has created new opportunities for local and foreign entrepreneurs, including Turkish ones, for both doing business and participating in reconstruction and construction. The Agency is interested in learning from KOSGEB's experience in supporting the SMBs in the post-pandemic period. The Agency is also ready to support Turkish businessmen in implementing new projects in priority sectors set by the state for the post-pandemic period in Azerbaijan. There are also wide opportunities for cooperation in informing the SMBs about potential opportunities for mutual investments and setting up joint ventures with Turkish businessmen.
The head of KOSGEB Hasan Basri Kurt, Trade Counsellor of the Republic of Turkey in our country Eser Chengel, representatives of MUSIAD Abdurrahman Uzun and Muhterem Oz shared their views on the possibilities of expanding the existing cooperation and ties between businessmen of both countries, in particular, partnership in the field of the SMBs, made various proposals for cooperation.
Representative of the Azerbaijan Investment Company Farid Guliyev and director of the AZPROMO department Zohrab Gadirov informed about the activities of the structures they represent, the investment and export potential of our country, and the prospects for cooperation with Turkish companies.
At the online forum, discussions were held in the fields of trade, investment, cooperation in the field of SMBs, and other issues, and answers were given to businessmen’s questions of interest.
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