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We believe Azerbaijan’s socio-economic development is closely linked with entrepreneurship and its future development!
Today International Day of Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises is marked An exhibition showcasing products and services from over 150 domestic companies is currently underway. The product of artificial intelligence for intelligent search has been developed in Azerbaijan. The "Investment Journey" event took place this time in the city of Sheki Meeting with Students of Baku Business University The "Advertising Exhibition of Local Companies" launches Importance of applying Environmental, Social, and Corporate governance principles for business Exhibition-sale fairs will be held in the regions of the country A document was signed between KOBİA and the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry The number of entities awarded with the "Startup" certificate has reached 151
Market research

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Admission of entrepreneurs’ applications to carry out domestic market research is open

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Following the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated May 29, 2019, to stimulate competitive production in the country, micro, small, and medium businesses are provided with financial support in the domestic market research.


The Small and Medium Business Development Agency (SMBDA) takes measures to support the domestic market research.


The state covers 80 and 50 % of the cost of each domestic market research performed based on the requests from micro and small businesses, respectively. As part of this support mechanism, medium businesses can take advantage of free training, seminars, and information support. 


The amount of financial support for one domestic market research is up to AZN 20,000. Entrepreneurs may apply for market research individually or in groups.


Entrepreneurs wishing to produce new products and services or expand their business can apply for domestic market research by filling in the appropriate APPLICATION FORM on the SMBDA website and submit it to the Agency directly (address: Baku city, Ziya Bunyadov avenue, 38C, 1969 block) or electronically (

For more information: Call Center 131, (+994 12) 404 04 01.

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