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We believe Azerbaijan’s socio-economic development is closely linked with entrepreneurship and its future development!
Azerbaijan Halal Business and Tourism Forum has concluded Film for AZHAB Forum “KOB FEST” exhibition-fair to be held in Zaqatala Azerbaijan Halal Business and Tourism Forum held in Baku Azerbaijan Trade Forum took place The "KOB FEST" exhibition-sale fair is underway in Nakhchivan The 3rd meeting of the Ukraine-Azerbaijan Business Council was held Azerbaijan-Saudi Arabia Joint Business Council held its 5th meeting Azerbaijan will host the first Halal Business and Tourism Forum A program for the digitalization of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) has been launched in Azerbaijan

Sərgilərdə iştirak etmək istəyən KOB subyektlərinin MÜRACİƏT FORMASI

1.KOB subyekti barədə məlumat
Əlaqəli (səlahiyyətli) şəxs barədə məlumat
2.KOB subyektinin təşviq məlumatları
3.Sərgilənəcək məhsullar

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