The Small and Medium Business Development Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan (SMBDA) implements due measures to ensure the development of women’s entrepreneurship and increase the number of women in the sector of small and medium entrepreneurship. Regular trainings, workshops, round tables and other events are continuously held to raise awareness and provide information on women’s entrepreneurship, innovations and support mechanisms available in the area, as well as to hear entrepreneurs’ feedback in terms of their opinions and proposals.
SMBDA and Azerbaijan Women Entrepreneurs Association organized yet another round table on “Promoting the establishment of women’s business incubators.” Organized by the female entrepreneurs and the Association of Rural Women, the event provided the platform to voice out entrepreneurs’ feedback and proposals with regards to the development of female entrepreneurship in the country and public support measures implemented in this area.
The participants of the round table emphasized the importance of promoting the establishment of women’s business incubators and highlighted their significance for the development of micro and small entrepreneurship as well as conducted discussions in this area, in accordance with the Strategic Road Map for the “Production of consumer goods at the level of small and medium entrepreneurship.
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