The ceremony of presenting the certificate on the inclusion of the Shaki historical center together with the Khans’ Palace in the UNESCO World Heritage List was held.
At the event arranged by the State Tourism Agency, the Chairman of the Board of the Small and Medium Business Development Agency (SMBDA) Orkhan Mammadov noted that Shaki's great tourism potential created additional benefits for small and medium enterprises operating in the region, as well as potential entrepreneurs. It was noted that promoting entrepreneurship in the field of tourism was one of the directions of the SMBDA’s activity, and SMBs with startup ideas in the area of tourism could apply to the SMBDA for a “Startup” certificate and financial support in the internal market research. In Shaki, an "SMB Friend" office and the SMB Development Center (SMBDC) operate, which support the creation of new SMBs and development of existing ones, protect the SMB interests, inform entrepreneurs on the mechanisms of state support, and provide consulting and training services to improve their business knowledge and skills.