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The 6th grant competition is announced for financing projects related to SMBs’ education, science, research, and support projects 18.09.24
The 6th grant competition is announced for  financing  projects related to SMBs’ education, science, research, and support projects

The Small and Medium Business Development Agency (KOBİA) announces the competition for financing projects in the fields of education, science, research, and support in accordance with the "Rules for financing education, science, research, and support projects related to the development of micro, small, and medium entrepreneurship" approved by the Resolution of Cabinet of Ministers on dated September 30, 2020.


-Legal or physical persons associated with micro, small, and medium business entity can participate in the competition.

-Projects shall pertain to one of the fields of education, science, research, or support.

-Each person is entitled to submit only one project within the framework of the competition.

-The duration of project implementation shall be no less than 3 months and no more than 12 months.

-Projects that are fully funded by other organizations and ongoing or completed projects cannot be additionally or recurently financed by the Agency.

-All required documents for participation in the competition shall fully be submitted.

-The implementation of the activities outlined in the project shall commence on December 15, 2024.

-Projects submitted for the competition shall be prepared in Azerbaijani.

Volume of allocated financial means: The maximum amount of financing for each project is set at 20,000 (twenty thousand) manats.

Admission of project documentation: From September 24, 2024, at 09:00 until October 23, 2024, at 18:00. (Note: Project documentation submitted before or after the specified time will not be accepted.)

Competition period: From October 25, 2024, to November 25, 2024.

SMB business entities seeking to participate in the competition can submit the following documents electronically ( or in the hard copy directly to the Agency (38C Ziya Bünyadov Street, 1969 District, “Baku SMB House”) from September 24, 2024, at 09:00 until October 23, 2024, at 18:00:

-Application form;

-Project submitted for the competition;

-Financial justification for the project's budget;

-Copies of documents confirming the identity and authorities of the representative of the physical person or legal entity that is SMB entity.

-Should  the applicant be a legal entity, copies of the extract from the state register of legal entities and the charter.

 (Note: You can download the relevant documents from the following link: az/nav/qrant)

Information about the results of the competition will be published on, KOBIA's official website after November 25, 2024.


-development of teaching and methodological educational materials;

-preparation and organization of various seminars, conferences, training sessions, and practical experience programs, as well as providing teaching, consulting, and educational support;

-organizing events and providing knowledge to promote entrepreneurship among startups, women entrepreneurs, persons with disabilities, and the youth.

-involvement of SMBs in the teaching process at higher education and vocational training institutions;

-development of projects in collaboration with educational institutions to train and improve qualified personnel tailored to the needs of SMBs.

Scientific field:

-strengthening the activities of SMBs through implementation of innovative science projects;

-enhancing the activities of SMBs through mutual cooperation with legal and physical persons engaged in scientific activities, their public associations, and participants in scientific endeavors.

-projects geared towards scientific works aimed at  the development of micro, small, and medium enterprises;

-cultivation  of mutual cooperation between SMBs and industrial and technology parks, technology transfer centers, business incubators, and similar institutions.

-organization of and hosting national, regional, and international scientific conferences, workshops, seminars, and other events that are of special importance for the development of micro, small, and medium enterprises in the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as support for participation in events held abroad in the field of science.

 Research field:

-conducting research activities related to the innovative development of SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises);

-research conducted by SMBs in the production sector and the application of the results;

-organizing and conducting training sessions and seminars to stimulate the participation of stakeholders in research aimed at the development of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises.

-projects aimed at the development of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as SMB entities, increasing their production and expanding their activities;

-projects carried out to study the tools that influence the production activities of SMB subjects or to research and investigate their characteristics;

-enhancing effectiveness of the interaction of research and production fields, strengthening cooperation with educational institutions in the field of research.

Support field:

-exploration  of international experience, auditing, documentation of, obtaining patents, organizing management and logistics services;

-support for organizing laboratory services for the analysis and testing products manufactured by SMBs.

-support for participation in events held domestically and internationally to strengthen the human resource potential of SMBs.

-support for documentation of and obtaining necessary certifications for SMBs exporting non-oil products for the first time, to facilitate access to foreign markets;

-support for the registration of startups promoting innovative entrepreneurship, as well as for the sale, patenting, and promotion of their products (services) in foreign markets.

-support for SMBs to benefit from high-tech and innovative opportunities, apply relevant technologies in their operations, and, if necessary, assign experts to these entities.

For additional information: (+994 12) 404 04 01, 131 Call Center.

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