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We believe Azerbaijan’s socio-economic development is closely linked with entrepreneurship and its future development!
Today International Day of Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises is marked An exhibition showcasing products and services from over 150 domestic companies is currently underway. The product of artificial intelligence for intelligent search has been developed in Azerbaijan. The "Investment Journey" event took place this time in the city of Sheki Meeting with Students of Baku Business University The "Advertising Exhibition of Local Companies" launches Importance of applying Environmental, Social, and Corporate governance principles for business Exhibition-sale fairs will be held in the regions of the country A document was signed between KOBİA and the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry The number of entities awarded with the "Startup" certificate has reached 151
Expressing interest to participate in a project on the use of thermal waters 30.07.21
Expressing interest to participate in a project on the use of thermal waters

The Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan encourages the use of thermal waters in the country with the participation of the private sector as part of measures to combat climate change. For this purpose, entrepreneurs are invited to provide their business projects for the use of thermal waters from exploration wells drilled at the Jarli and Sor-Sor fields of the Kurdamir region, which are on the balance sheet of the State Oil Company of the Republic of Azerbaijan and are considered suitable for exploitation.


The Jarli-Sor-Sor site is administratively located in the Kurdamir region. The Sor-Sor site is located 15 km south-southwest, and the Jarli site – 25 km southeast of the center of the Kurdamir region. Both sites are connected to the center of the Kurdamir region by the Kurdamir-Mollakend-Imishli road.


The initial project proposal should indicate the purposes for which it is planned to use thermal waters (heating of greenhouses, balneology), and the directions of the business to be created. The initial project proposal should include information on the investments expected according to the business plan, the additional infrastructure required, the land plot, the number of jobs created, the manufactured product or service provided, and environmental impact.


Submitted projects will be evaluated by a Working Group consisting of representatives of the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, the State Oil Company, and the Executive Power of the Kurdamir Region, and the appropriate information on the projects selected will be forwarded to private partners.


The application of benefits in force in the country, including the commissioning of wells selected under the project and the supply and installation of production equipment, to the private partner and the possibility of access of the latter to concessional loans will be supported. Assistance will also be provided in the allocation of land plots suitable for economic activity according to the project proposal and the implementation of other measures prescribed by law.


Support will be provided in obtaining permits for the exploitation and commercial use of thermal waters and information. Information on the project area, location of wells, preliminary indicators of exploration of wells with thermal waters can be obtained in the Kurdamir SMB Friend office of the Small and Medium Business Development Agency:


Contact persons:


- Head of the private projects support sector of the Land restoration and development department of the Ministry of Economy Ilkin Shamilov - e-mail:, (+994 50) 262 61 32).


- Representative of the SMB friend of the Aran regional coordinatorship of the Small and Medium Business Development Agency’s SMB friend department Rahim Mammadov - e-mail:, (+994) 55 500 12 37, 055 686 57 50).


Proposals with the expression of interest are accepted from 09:30 am to 05:30 pm on weekdays (1-5 days of the week), except Saturday and Sunday, from August 2, 2021, or by e-mail:


Deadline for submission of proposals by private partners: August 31, 2021.


Proposals should be sent to the following address:




Contact phone number: (+994) 55 500 12 37, 055 686 57 50).


Contact person: Rahim Mammadov

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